Process: Kolchak Paranormal Passages

Kolchak: Paranormal PassagesThis assignment was a result in patience.  As you well enough know, I do a few conventions a year.  On some of those adventures I get to meet the decision makers and show them my work.  And with many of all those attempts I go home feeling defeated and unworthy as an artist.  However, I plow through that negativity and push forth with new paintings letting them know that I’m not one to dwell and give up.  If I remain calm and positive, eventually, those early introductions may blossom into friendships and possible job opportunities.  And so here I am.  After meeting the Art Director over at Moonstone Books several years ago, they got to see me grow professionally and artistically.  I guess it didn’t hurt that a few of my convention pals were also putting in a good word for me since they themselves had done a few pieces with the publisher.

The assignment, a Kolchak: The Night Stalker cover to an anthology of prose stories. Kolchak is now licensed to Moonstone for comics, books, and such. This is exactly what I wanted to do for a while now. I’m glad they finally sought me out.

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Process: Creature Feature

Creature FeatureI was idle there for a moment. A client put our project on hold and I was left with literally nothing to do. With this client, I was booked for a half a year, 3-5 pieces and I needed to be focused. I normally think about the next project(s) while I’m working on the current piece. I couldn’t take on any new assignments nor think about other projects. I had just began the finished pencils to the first piece when it all came to a screeching halt. Damn.

This pause didn’t last for very long, thankfully. I spent a couple days mentally resetting, spinning in circles, and then plotted my creative course. I wanted to do some horror related paintings. I had several ideas, but I needed to wait for models and props to become available. However, I knew I always wanted to do a super-horror-fan type of painting and I didn’t need props and models to do it. So that’s what I did.

A theater full of horror film icons.


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Process: Armed For War

Here’s a detailed step-by-step account of how I created this painting; from beginning to end.



This is where it all begins… laying out a good composition. I did these three variations to give the client options. The first one was a direct interpretation of their request. Not content, I worked up a couple other ideas for a stronger visual. My vote was for the middle one.
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